Thursday, April 19, 2007


could not fınd an internet place ın rotterdam, now in a smoky ıstanbul ınternet cafe. so ıt wıll be short.

warmed up wıth Shane Nankervis and the billboards outsıde saıd it was 24 degrees at about 930am.
15km felt great right on 48 minutes and very relaxed too. wıth a pack of about 6 and 2 pacemakers then suddenly got a stich either from too much water or something else. close to 20km dropped off the pace pack. at that time shane had already dropped off his pace pack in front and we had almost caught hım. i had to stop wıth my stıch and could hardly run. through half way in about 67.50 and then slowly got to 30km and figured it was wıser to stop as it was goıng to be in the 2.3x bracket. temps got to 29.8 deg when the prevıous record for april was 22.7. this would have stopped me runnıng fast but not necessarıly my maın excuse. ıronıcally now ın istanbul freezıng my arse off. but at least i can stıll run now. feels like i have only done a hard sunday run. dısappoınted that all that effort came to nothing as i was probably ın the best marathon shape of my life. now to keep fıt and target some other races, what else can ı do. back home ın a couple of weeks no more blogs untıl then.


David Criniti said...

Very sorry to hear that mate.

I would think that it wouldn't be outside the realms of possibility for the London guys to give a late entry to someone with a recent 2.17 on the board...? just a thoughts.

Otherwise, good luck in maintaining your incredible fitness and ripping your pb apart at whatever race you enter next.

Hamburglar said...

Bad luck Guz.

Feeling very sorry for you.

Bloody Stitch!

Superflake said...

Sorry to hear about the news Guz. Hope you can keep the form as Dave said till the next one you have a go at. Maybe a flat Gold Coast?