Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Come down with the flu

Was travelling really well until Sat night and fevered up.

Thurs pm - 20 by 1min on and 1min off at Nth Head. Felt really fast and gave all reps 100%.
Fri am - 40 minutes = 10km to a 1 hour Physiocise class.
Fri pm - 55 minutes = 13km around the bush at home.
Sat am - 20 min W/UP, 15minutes of 15sec ON/15 sec off, followed by 8 by 2m hills and jog back down with DB at Centennial. 20 min W/down.
Sat pm - 40 minutes = 10km around home
Sun - FLU, sweating it out in bed.

Weekly summary 190km.

Mon am - 40 minutes around Neutral Bay for 10km
Mon pm - 68 minutes = 18km around home in the bush to Thornleigh and back.
Tues am - 32 minutes around home for 8km.

Still feeling lethargic and not sure what this will mean for National Cross the Saturday. Maybe a forced taper might be good. Have a really sore throat, and coughing up some bad phlem, so we will see how it turns out.


David Criniti said...

I'll keep my fingers crossed for Saturday for you mate. You've put in the training and deserve a good run. Hopefully it does turn out to be, like you said, a good taper.

R2B said...

Good luck mate hope you get well very quickly!